Happy New Year everyone! I hope you’re all ready for an exciting year of new interviews with different filmmakers as we launch into Season Three, which will be dedicated to production! We will be speaking to all walks of life in the filmmaking world including producers, all kinds of crew members from gaffers to script supervisors and even a production assistant or two (afterall, they are the ones running the set!).
We’re also excited to continue our partnership with Jenna Edwards to answer questions from the Film Method mailbag. We want questions from YOU, the listener that pertain to all aspects of filmmaking so that we can get you the answers you need to make your film. Jenna’s next article will be released next Wednesday, January 12th.
We’ll kick off this month with a special series of shows dedicated to distribution, which will include an interview with digital distribution expert Jason Brubaker on January 12th and an interview with former Sundance short film programmer, Roberta Munroe on January 19th just in time for Sundance.